Rogue Amoeba develop lots of popular software. Now Piezo 1.5 exits the Mac App Store.

Piezo Leaving the MAS; Pros and Cons of the MAS; The bias of Search Ads; Dan Counsell’s Mac App Store wishlist from 2016; Shameless plug: I also wrote a book on selling outside the Mac App Store in case you want to leave the App Store, too, or make your company more resilient through availability in multiple stores. Receive new posts via email.

Note: Piezo is no longer distributed through the Mac App Store. Users who purchased via the Mac App Store can transition to the direct version free of charge. Piezo for Mac successfully detects and records the output coming from your apps or built-in mic and allows you to save the recording as an MP3 or AAC file.

While the App Store has many shortcomings, it’s the onerous rules and restrictions Apple has for selling through the Mac App Store which pose the biggest problem. The type of software we make is precluded from being sold through the store, particularly now that sandboxing is a requirement, and Apple has shown no signs of relaxing those restrictions. Fortunately, unlike iOS, the Mac platform is still open. We’re able to distribute and sell direct to our customers, right from our site. We’ve got almost 15 years of experience and success doing just that, and we have no plans to stop.

Their apps that work on the App Store stay there.

Shameless self promotion: Are you worried about the recent trend of abandoning the MAS? I wrote a book about publishing apps outside the Mac App Store. There’s nothing you have to fear. It’s fun.

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/vocabulary-builder-app-mac.html. Berlin-based company ExactCODE, makers of ExactScan and OCRKit, experiences trouble with Catalina and a rather short time to submit bug fixes for their app before the public release of Catalina earlier this month. They decided to leave the Mac App Store behind:

  • each manual update review by Apple causes delay and drama
  • AppStore does not support paid upgrades, only new App, in-App purchase or subscriptions
  • Apple takes 30% and that is not sustainable to run a company and pay salleries
  • it is not provide to provide free updates forever
  • if you purchased our application this year we provide a direct license, if you had it significantly longer, we think a paid upgrade is fair for continuously developing, improvements, and support


There is mostly only one benefit [of using the MAS] for users: one central place for purchasee and updates. However, there are many negatives, such as: […]

Volume drops until the app decides to randomly pause. On top of that, I have never had a smooth experience trying to download and of my 250+ purchases. ,845000000,226,null,null,'8','Star Storm Comics',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Guess',null,2,null,null,null,'of bugs, why replace a working app with this? When expanding from letterbox to fullscreen, the aspect stays in full screen untill it pauses randomly, then, when play is pressed it stretches across the x axis, leaving the black border of letterbox while stretching horizontally. Too many bugs to cover. You peliculas app para mac.

I don’t know if they could’ve done more to prepare for the macOS upgrade. Recently, folks on Slack shared screenshots, and it turns out that as a serious Mac developer you apparently have external hard drives full of previous and future macOS versions, plus a stack of different Xcode versions (that are no longer available for download by Apple!) – that’s required by virtually everyone in order to support multiple OS versions and fix bugs. The Catalina beta also was very flaky.

After releasing the Catalina Golden Master build to developers on October the 3rd, we immediately finished fixing any new crash or issue we could find over the weekend. In our opinion, leaving developer just four (4!) days over a weekend with a public release on October the 7th is not very helpful nor professional.

They have a point here. But could they have fixed the same bugs earlier in preparation of the Golden Master release?

The call for App Store submissions went live on October 3rd, too, at the day of the Golden Master release. So even if they fixed all the bugs early, Apple would have had only 4 days to review all App Store submissions, which sounds like a bad idea nevertheless.

See also:

Piezo Mac App Store Software

  • Dan Counsell’s Mac App Store wishlist from 2016

Piezo Mac App Store Apps

Shameless plug: I also wrote a book on selling outside the Mac App Store in case you want to leave the App Store, too, or make your company more resilient through availability in multiple stores.

Piezo Mac App Store Settings

Piezo Mac App Store App

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