• VoiceOver is unique because it’s not a standalone screen reader. It’s deeply integrated in macOS and all the built-in apps on Mac. And as developers update their apps to take advantage of the accessibility interfaces provided by Apple, their apps can start working with VoiceOver right away.
  • In most cases, you should then see Using DHCP in the Configure IPv4 pop-up menu, along with your Mac’s IP address, subnet mask, router, DNS server, and search-domain information.
  • Mac App Store is the simplest way to find and download apps for your Mac. To download apps from the Mac App Store, you need a Mac with OS X 10.6.6 or later.

Color and Contrast

Don’t rely solely on color to differentiate between objects or communicate important information. If your app uses color to convey information, be sure to provide text labels or glyph shapes so color blind users can understand it as well.

There are no camera settings. Apple just didn’t bother to build cam settings. It’s a utility that should be included with an “expensive mac”. The camera itself is not good quality.

Prefer system colors for text. When you color text using the colors defined by UIColor or NSColor, the text responds correctly to accessibility settings such as Invert Colors and Increase Contrast.

Be aware of color blindness.App to open vsd file on mac. Many colorblind people find it difficult to distinguish blue from orange, for example, or red from green (and either red or green from gray). Avoid using these color combinations as the only way to distinguish between two states or values. For example, instead of using red and green circles to indicate offline and online, you could use a red square and a green circle. Some image-editing software includes tools that can help you proof for colorblindness.

As seen without color blindness.

As seen with red-green color blindness.

Respond correctly to Invert Colors. People can turn on Invert Colors when they prefer to view items on a dark background. In the Smart Invert mode of Invert Colors, images, video, and full-color icons (such as app icons and nontemplate images) don't invert, and dark UI stays dark.

Use strongly contrasting colors to improve readability. Many factors affect the perception of color, including font size and weight, color brightness, screen resolution, and lighting conditions. When you increase color contrast of visual elements like text, glyphs, and controls, you can help more people use your app in more situations. To find out if the contrast of adjacent colors in your UI meets minimum acceptable levels, use an online color calculator based on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) color contrast formula.

Use text size to help determine contrast. In general, smaller or lighter-weight text needs to have greater contrast to be legible. Use the following values for guidance.

Text sizeText weightMinimum contrast ratio
Up to 17 ptAny4.5:1
18 pt and largerAny3:1

To learn more making text in your app accessible to all users, see Text Size and Weight.

What's everyone saying?

Ethan Marcotte

“I couldn’t use Twitter without Twitterrific.”

Ethan Marcotte — @beep

John Siracusa

“Twitterrific’s unified timeline matches the way I think about Twitter: a single, chronological stream of tweets, regardless of type. The fact that Twitterrific is also a great Twitter client with all the other features you’d expect—including separate views for mentions, DMs, etc.—is just icing on the cake.”

John Siracusa — @siracusa

Michael Lopp

“A daily corner of my desktop feels revitalized.”

Michael Lopp — @rands


Manuel Alejandro López Zarzosa

“Now I can finally use the best client on all my devices!”

Manuel Alejandro López Zarzosa — @manuelale69

Alex Waddell

“I’ve been an active participant in the Phoenix Kickstarter beta and I’m delighted with the final app. Its elegant features, combined with lot of great UI touches, make Twitter a delight to use on the Mac again.”

Alex Waddell — @alexwaddell

Daniel Jalkut

“It's exciting to see the very first Twitter client being rethought in 2017 as the very newest one.”

Daniel Jalkut — @danielpunkass

Contrast Check Mac App Shortcut

Brent Simmons

“I switched immediately. It was like coming home.”

Brent Simmons — @brentsimmons

Contrast Check Mac App Installer

Seth Roby

“Twitterrific makes Twitter simple, fun, and quick. Thank you for bringing it back to the Mac, where I still spend most of my days.”

Seth Roby — @TALlama

“Twitterrific has the potential to make bored users fall in love with Twitter all over again.”

Contrast Check Mac Applications

Christine Preusler — HostingAdvice.com

“My favorite Twitter client.”

Robyn Oglesby — MacSources

“Features the same finesse that we’ve seen in Twitterrific for iOS, but at the same time, also leverages all the features offered by macOS.”

Preshit Deorukhkar — Beautiful Pixels

“The Iconfactory has given users a high degree of control over how Twitterrific looks within a clean, easy-to-read design.”

John Voorhees — MacStories

“Packs a ton of features into the new app..fantastic keyboard and accessibility support, delightful sounds, and a few nostalgic Easter eggs from past incarnations.”

Chris De Jabet — Full City Press

“The app delivers a good handful of features Mac users will like.”

Sarah Perez — TechCrunch

“Finally, a modern desktop Twitter client that not only looks amazing and performs, but offers all the features you would expect. Mac hp printer app. So relieved to have Twitterrific resurrected!”

R.C. Rains — @shadowbottle

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